
Hand-Sculpted Artwork

造 景



H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III Wan Ko Yeshe Norbu Holiest Tathagata possesses consummate mastery in molding with His hands the myriad beings and things of this world, both sentient and non-sentient. Such works of art include mountains, rivers, land formations, and other natural scenes. We have included in this chapter only some of His Holiness’s hand-sculpted scenes as an expression of the dharma. The hand-molded artwork of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III looks as genuine as real natural scenes. Although these mountains, rivers, and scenery were created in a room, they appear no different from natural landscapes. Broad artistic concepts underlie their design, and they have a majestic quality to them. Nobody in human history has been able to create such works. Those who personally view the hand-molded artwork of H.H. Dorje Chang Buddha III behold the elegance of natural-looking scenes more beautiful than the creations of nature itself.

(This text was translated from the Chinese text that follows.)


簡  介

多杰羌佛第三世雲高益西諾布頂聖如來對世間萬物有情無情,如山川、大地、河流、風光純熟於一掌之中,在此我們 僅取其部分雕塑造景作為此類表法。三世多杰羌佛的雕塑造景達以亂真,雖然在一室之中成立的山川風景,不僅與大自然 的丘壑無異,且更是格高境大,氣勢磅 ,這在人類史上也是沒有人能做到過的。親臨鑑賞三世多杰羌佛之造景,具有觀 賞自然風情而更勝自然風情之典雅懷情。




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